About Us

The first version of the Mouse Pouch came to life in 2014, just like most other products on the market, out of necessity. Our founder worked in a corporate setting, attending multiple meetings every day, most of which required traveling throughout different sections of the office, frequent trips to multiple floors, and occasionally journeys to separate buildings all together - with a laptop and mouse in tow. Trying to work solely off of a computer's touchpad just didn't cut it, so most folks took their mouse with them. 

Unfortunately, most of the time, it wasn't only a laptop and mouse in-hand as they bounced from one meeting to the next.  A cup of coffee (a must), notepad & pen, snack, or any number of other items often accompany people from one conference room to the next...And then, you arrive at your destination, after successfully balancing your belongings on top of one another, and still have to open that conference room door.

It was because of this, that the Mouse Pouch was created. We wanted a secure spot for mice to travel safely throughout the day, all while freeing up hands for high-fives and shakas, and most importantly not adding any extra weight or bulk to your computer. 

Put your mouse in the pouch, and go!


-The Mouse Pouch Team